Our Mar-Vista based company has specialized in trash chute cleaning for over twenty five years. We clean, disinfect and deodorize all surfaces that are touched by garbage, including the trash rooms, trash chutes, access doors, empty bins and surrounding areas
We remove the breeding ground for germs, bacteria, disease, rodents and insects, without using any poisons or toxic chemicals. We use only biodegradable, environmentally-safe chemicals, which leave pleasant fragrances for your tenants. Your building will be a healthier place to live and work.
Coat all surfaces with a biodegradable protein emulsifier/degreaser to
release organic matter, dirt and grime.
Steam clean all chutes, bins, walls, floors, and doors with 180 degree,
3000 psi pressure wash.
Spray all surfaces with an EPA registered disinfectant.
Clean each floor’s access door by hand.
Deodorize the chute, room, bin, and each access door with liquid and
granular deodorants.
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